Friday, April 28, 2006

NASA Academy, Take 3

So... Cleveland, eh?

I'll be staffing the NASA Academy at Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, this summer.

For those of you keeping NASA-track at home (Grandpa? Jac, maybe?), that's...
- JSC Co-op 2001-2003
- ARC Academy RA 2004
- MSFC Academy staff 2005
- GRC Academy staff 2006
- and I've had tours of KSC, JPL, DFRC, GSFC, and HQ.
Only have Stennis and Langley left to catch 'em all.

GRC was rocked by Marshal (not the center... that has two Ls) from NAABA2k4, so it's been established in the great tradition of the Ames Academy. Time to go rock it to the next level.


Erin said...

Welcome to Cleveland! If you want any help in the city let me know Any chance you'll be working on the bed-rest study? -grin-


Teri said...

Congratulaion for staffing at NASA!
Is that necessay for being a US citizen to work there?
One of my friends' major is Aerospace engineering and he has a little problem with finding a job cause he is not US citizen yet (Just permanent residence). So just curious about requriment for working at NASA. Good Luck.

Teri said...

Thanks for your information.

Ryan said...

Congrats! I am truly impressed at your NASA coverage =)