Saturday, August 12, 2006

That's it.

They're gone. Three last night... the ones that really wanted to get out of here. Dropped Kelly off at the airport this morning, which was super hard and cry-y. But I'll see her again. I wore my high heels that she made me get, and like, and I can totally walk in them like nobody's business. Not even a thing anymore. Then one last bagel and coffee breakfast, then Kathryn and Kat got on the road in their different directions (NY and SC), and then Frank at about 11 am. But I totally got to put off saying goodbye to him because he wants me to drive to Buffalo this afternoon and watch football with his family and friends and hang out (what else do I have to do but pack? And all that work, but there's all afternoon tomorrow and Monday for that...). Plus, I know I'm going to see my GNC in the future. No doubt.

I think Ivan's still here right now. He's leaving this afternoon? Have I ever known what's going on with Ivan? No. So we're not worrying about that one.

My end present from these guys was a thank-you video they (KP) put together which is pretty much the most glorious tear-inducing thing you've ever seen. If you're me, or some of them. Just... perfect. Their segments captured each one of them so well, and it's just... Thank you, guys. SO going to miss you all.

BUT this time next week, I'll be in Northern California with Doug and Christy, Melissa, Marshal, David, Shannon, and potentially Kelley, Graylan, Christian, Kakani, and Joannah. That's most of my Academy at Ames. How much does that freaking rock?!?

And Mad Academy Props to Marshal Blessing, who freakin' SURPRISE FLEW INTO CLEVELAND for a day to see us and the final presentations of the 2006 Glenn Academy and induct the students into the NAAA. So awesome! Thank you!

Thank you to so many people for making this summer glorious.

Thank you.

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