Thursday, March 30, 2006

NASA Academy strategic conference

"Almost heaven..."

Making some good progress on the Academy. We have a pretty decent mission statement going. Goals and action items, too. Should be some good information coming out of it. Alums: check for our notes and to contribute!

Here we are at work:

This was out in the woods of West Virginia at a national parks training place, and we saw deer in the trees when we walked to breakfast in the morning.

It was good to catch up with folks like Dave and Doug and Laura again, and to meet Natcho and Johnny (from whom I've received many emails), and others in the NASA Academy family. We all drank lots of coffee together.

Monday, March 27, 2006

More travel coming up...

Tomorrow I leave for a few days in West Virginia for the NASA Academy future-of-program conference. I'm really excited about making some progress in securing a future for the Academies and representing for Ames and Marshall. Hopefully we'll come out of it with some good headway and better networking between alumni from different centers.

Then in mid-May, I'm going with some cool people on a trip for Citizens for Space Exploration to Washington DC to visit with congresspeople about how much I support my US space program. Therefore the decision-makers should, too. I'll say it better than that, of course.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Figuring out this Picasa thing. Hey, look, it's me in Moscow by some shiny Kremlin domes. Very pretty place.

Monday, March 13, 2006

In Moscow!

Here in Russia now and officially on so many levels. There's a lot of paperwork involved in this country. Nice hotel. Star City tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

gang's all here

I'm in Strasbourg. My bag's very very likely to be in Strasbourg. We're just not in the same place yet. No biggie. But for you worry-types, I am here safely at International Space University again. Later!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Spring Break

Okay, I'm off to Strasbourg tomorrow, then on to Moscow with the ISU crew. I'll post from there, most likely, and I'll be back, oh, let's say, a week from tomorrow, if all goes well.