Thursday, April 19, 2007


GREAT press! Good collection of a lot of it at NASA Watch, including Keith's incredibly kind and awesome words.

Most awesome pics from Scott Beale at Laughing Squid:

Thanks for coming out... we estimate our attendance, including volunteers, exhibitors, etc. to be about 4,000. How's that for reaching out and sharing NASA? And as many many of the bloggers and press have said... the 18-30s were as much into the science/tech/space and our speakers and demos as they were for the music and dancing. How cool!? People just have to be exposed to it, first hand and in their face, not on paper, and they love it. That's how space and science are.

Friday, April 13, 2007

biggest YN party *ever*

Can't make it?
(few tickets still on sale, though...

Fake it:
live webcast HERE
starts at 7:30 PDT

OR in party in Second Life

You should get an account set up there, anyway, and this is a great time to do it!

Also, I'd like to personally thank Our Sponsors, because these orgs ROCK.