It occurred to me while talking to Kevin last night (and after some searches to confirm it) that Space Generation Advisory Council did not have a Facebook OR MySpace group. We're trying to get youth involved, and we don't hit up the two biggest young people websites around to get info out there? That's not good. He's the official guy, but he's busy, so I made the groups. Please join and spread the word!
FacebookMySpaceAnd the ACTUAL Space Generation site: you don't know, Space Generation is, "...a non-governmental organisation which brings the views from its members to and works with the United Nations, space agencies and other organisations. Members are students and young space professionals." Basically, they say it's a "global volunteer base, working on projects that are related to space." To get involved, simply join the mailing list on the main page. On the list, there's tons of info on space goings-on from around the world, as well as opportunities to get involved in awesome projects.