Friday, July 08, 2005

DC trip Part 2: Museums

Saturday was our first free day in DC, and we wanted to hit up as much as possible. We started out mid-morning and took the Metro to the National Zoo, which was pretty awesome. I totally got to see pandas and the most perfectly posed tigers of all time.

After that we headed down to Smithsonian central and checked out the Natural History Museum. OU has a pretty awesome dinosaur fossil display, so that didn't impress me much, but we got to see the Hope Diamond and the eight people deep lined up around it. I took pics of several of the cool rocks in the rock area that were from Oklahoma, including a space rock.

We called the NHM quits and headed to Union Station to grab something to eat in their food court. Several of us went to see War of the Worlds in the movie theater there, and experienced one of the weirdest movie-going experiences ever. There was much laughing at very odd moments during the movie, and sometimes people would just get bored with the plot and start talking. Not really loudly or anything, just as if there wasn't a movie on yet. This happened in several places in the theater at once, as if it was a normal thing. Along with a couple other things, it made for a very bizarre atmosphere.

Following the movie, we got back on the convenient Metro and headed back to College Park.

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