Monday, September 19, 2005

CNN Moon poll

CNN Quick Vote:
Should NASA begin a multibillion dollar program to send people and cargo to the moon?

Vote here.

(and vote "yes"!)


Tim said...

I think the poll was worded badly! I got extremely negative connotations from the question itself. "Multibillion dollar" is a horrible descriptor for the space program. It's like asking "Do you want a glass of bovine mamagrary excretion? It's been superheated to kill the bacteria." No one would drink milk ever again if it were presented that way! I think the same is true with the poll: few people will look past the words to see what they would really get in return. :-/

Kate said...

Good point, Tim! I was talking to one of my classes about experiments they did on the moon and the kids were asking when we're going back.

We also talked about all the benefits of the space program to date (or some of them, at least). I teased them that the space program is the reason none of them know how to tie a pair of shoelaces!