Thursday, February 08, 2007


Boy, I'm tired. Between the 30+ (official) hours at the Oklahoma Space Grant, about 7 hours a week of NASA Academy-related Activities, talking to Kevin during his India trip as much as humanly possible for both of us, and maybe 20 hours a week of Space Gen working on email, Recruitment, and the SGAC PR Team, and of course working on the details of that job I'll tell you about as soon as it's finailized... whoo. Plus I just thought of an awesome real way to do a program I've wanted to start for a long time now, and now I have three possible outlets to do it that could even work together... pure rock.

I was playing some Majora's Mask last weekend as a relaxing stress-relief, and it took all my darn "free" time. Must. Learn. Not. To do addictive good video games as a stress-relief. Stick to a couple sudoku puzzles every now and then. Feel free to challenge me at, btw. I can take ya.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

You are one busy bee; how do you do it? =)