Lovely and spectacular fireworks show with perfectly selected, perfectly volumed, beautiful music and great people. It was an fantastic Fourth.

An Oklahoma student's experiences in NASA and international space programs...
I've worked at NASA JSC, Ames, MSFC, and GRC. I've been involved with ISU, Space Generation, Next Generation Exploration Conference, and more; I've mentored for Texas Aerospace Scholars and Intl Space School and helped with NASA's Reduced Gravity Flight program. Basically, I love the idea of space exploration, and I'm dedicating my career to sharing that passion.
Man, you got music with your fireworks? We didn't even see any from the backyard. How long was the show? Jac
Thank you for all the comments, Jacqui. You're the best little sister. Loves you. Yes, we got fancy fancy music and the show was about 20 minutes, I believe.
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