We got to stay at the fancy Hotel Washington, but we only saw one celebrity there, and that was the dog that we were told plays Duke in the Bush's Baked Beans commercials. It was a really sweet dog that kept wanting to lean on me, just like Classy used to do. Seeing Mikey rassle on the floor with Cooper (real name) has put a grin on my face every time I've thought of it. "Are you gonna tell the secret recipe, are you boy!?!" Truly adorable. When we all have our picture exchange, someone has a group picture of us with him, and I'll try to post it.
One of the coolest things about the hotel was the rooftop restaurant, which had a pretty cool view. We went up there for drinks and dinner a couple times.

The first full day we were there, we had Congressional office visits all day long, then a reception at the Library of Congress in the evening. All the big (Texas) space congresspeople came and talked, and we students got certificates. Space is something that is relatively non-partisan, and it was nice to have minimal issues associated with that arise. Everyone should support space for a whole lot of reasons. Our Ames Academy 2004 project was a website supporting the Vision and addressing negative concerns that we'd heard before.
(Me at the podium after the non-students left)

The students hung around for a bit after the reception for the sunset, because, seriously, how cool is this view?

When it's recruiting time next year, I'll try to put up some info on this yearly trip so people can apply. I just found out about it at the last moment this year, and I'm sure I can get some students from very geographically diverse areas of the country in on the thing.
Jacqui (and Amy) graduate tonight! Which means I got to get up at 4:30 this morning to spend over an hour putting surprise decorations all over her (Jacqui, not Amy's) car (although I was following very specific directions from Amy's mom on where to put each element of the decorations [e.g. "two paw prints at the upper right corner of each side and rearview mirror; others at your discression"] so they would all match). Congratulations! Also: ha-ha! You have to walk at the ceremony because I'm here! One last looong corny high school event you're forced to go to!
Jac has a (last?) recital Sunday, and then I'm out of here on Monday at noon. I should probably spend every waking moment between now and then packing and writing Academy-related emails, but we'll see.
1 comment:
Oh, I love D.C.! Glad you had a good & eventful time. Also glad to hear Capitol Hill isn't so split on space exploration =) At the request of Dr. Snowden, I wrote some letters a few months ago thanking the (majority of) OK & AR congresspeople for their support of NASA. You do have a busy few...hours. Have fun in Ohio! Yes, I'm taking a gamble with the launch trip =) Hopefully, I'll have really good info when I make that decision.
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