The three tigers on their tiers. It was like they were posing there for us all. Oh... I forgot to write this in the post, but the first thing we saw at the zoo was the cheetah pen. Which was a wire fence away from the zebra pen. The four or so cheetahs were actually moving around a bit when we came by, and they walked over to stare at the zebra. The two parties started irritating each other, and the cheetahs were pacing and the zebra started kicking its hind feet up in the air at the cats. This made them especially sad that they couldn't eat the tasty zebra, then to top it off, it laid down on its back and started rolling in the dirt with its bottom to the cats. Big teasy tease stripes. Kinda makes one wish that someday that fence has a problems and the cheetahs can get at least a taste.

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